Friday, February 27, 2009

Hangover Averted

I didn't think that I'd manage to fail at doing one of these a day already, but in my drunk stupor last night after the No Bunny show, I decided that my highest priority was to drink more water than I thought humanly possible, and pass out in bed.

In an attempt to reconcile my forgetfulness, I'll try to re-create what I would have probably typed around 2:30am last night after the show:

"WHOA holy shit, don't even know. Wicked show holy shti tonight, fuck my head hruts. NO BUNNY. Sleeepppppppp!"

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Head Brain Ow

I had been saving up my last awesome pain killer from getting my wisdom teeth out in case of getting a really bad migraine.

This was the last I saw of it:

Actually that's not true. First I cut it into four and then choked on one of the tiny pieces, because I apparently have no idea how to swallow pills properly. Oops.

Either way, my head still hurts. Goddamnit.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Culinary Breakthroughs

I suppose today was one of those days where you almost feel ripped off with how little you made out of it. When you really have nothing to show for having gotten out of bed other than maybe some finished school work, and spending your free time on the internet or searching feverishly for your magic card collection (not me...). Then you start to panic a little bit, I mean think of how many days just like these ones you've had before, where you had enough free time to really make something of your day, but opted to watch the almost an entire season of Battlestar Galactica (again, not me...obviously). How you could have spent all of that time planning a trip, or looking for work for after you graduate, or hanging out with friends.

And you start to get a little stir crazy and feel like you need to get out of the house, but where would you go? What would you do? Who would you see? The day is almost over, there isn't much time to salvage what's left of the day, the sheer number of opportunities that a single day presents should be totally staggering, but what have I done with mine?? What have I proven to myself????


But then a stroke of genius sweeps over you and suddenly it all becomes very clear, and only one question really becomes important while everything else begins to pale in comparison...

How would one combine a grilled cheese sandwich with both chicken and bacon?

Day two.

Overall success, I'd say.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday night decisions.

So I figure that I'd like to keep a little something to remember each day by, and I'd also like a good excuse to use my camera more often. My solution is to (do my best to) take (at least) one photo every day that will be reflective of what I was thinking of, what I was up to, where I had gone, who I had seen, etc.

Due to my lack of actual motivation, this is probably going to come out in the form of photos of things that are inside my apartment/bedroom, and don't involve me having to actually get any form of exercise/fresh air. These will most likely also be put off all day and will be photos of things that I thought were interesting while either A: Exhausted at three in the morning, B: Drunk, C: Exhausted and drunk at three in the morning. I have more or less no idea how this going to go, but I guess we're about to find out.

Anyways, here's day one:

Still deciding...
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