Monday, April 12, 2010

If This Isn't Nice, I Don't Know What Is

“And now I want to tell you about my late Uncle Alex. He was my father’s kid brother, a childless graduate of Harvard who was an honest life insurance salesman in Indianapolis. He was well-read and wise. And his principal complaint about other human beings was that they so seldom noticed it when they were happy. So when we were drinking lemonade under an apple tree in the summer, say, and talking lazily about this and that, almost buzzing like honeybees, Uncle Alex would suddenly interrupt the agreeable blather to exclaim, ‘If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is.’

“So I do the same now, and so do my kids and grandkids. And I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, ‘If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is.’ “

– Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., A Man Without A Country

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


So I suppose a couple of seasons have passed since my last post. Let me bring you up to speed.

First the leaves turned:

Then it snowed:

So I taught Matt how to do up his winter coat:

And now my bedroom is goddamned freezing:


Saturday, August 1, 2009


You'd think that with all of the free time on my hands I'd at least post to this a little bit more often. Nope!

But in the mean time, here's a shot from the cottage last week:

Friday, June 26, 2009

To be fair...

...I did warn that some of these would come without a real explanation.

I really oughta move.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fail, continued!

Alright so I'm looking into getting this blog's name changed from "Every Day Through A Lens" to "Every 30-60 Days or so Through A Lens When Ben Has Free Time Or Something To Talk About". Let me know how that title works for you.

Anyways, I've spent most of the last week in Montreal and Toronto, which was fantastic. I hadn't left Ottawa in over a year until this last week. I even got to see PETERBOROUGH. Imagine that!

I'm now officially torn between either moving to Toronto or Montreal. Both have some pretty great job prospects and sweet people.

I guess it comes down to:


or Toronto:

Cast your ballots today!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Told You So.

Alrighty so I guess one blog every three weeks is closer to one a day than a couple of months? I'm great at this.

Anyways, I don't have much to say, but Kristal has been pestering me to post a photo of her on my blog. "Make me famous Ben! You're so popular and you're pretty much my idol!" I know, I know. Well here you go Kristal, you owe me big time.

Glad I could snag such a flattering shot of you.

Friday, April 10, 2009


I basically didn't even make it through one week of doing this every day. Oops. I actually didn't think anyone would notice, but people have threatened to end their friendships with me if I don't keep this thing up, so this is all for them. I'm so selfless that this blog will include TWO (2) photos. Anyways, I know how my lack of posting has the potential to send ripples of sadness through the blogging community, so I'd better keep this up.

Yesterday was my birthday so we had a party. I brought my camera and took maybe a total of 4 shots, one of which actually turned out well:

You probably squinted a little bit and thought to yourself: "one of those cupcakes sure looks like there's a tampon in it". And you would be right. Some other cupcake design winners: zombies, robots, "a fucking tit", and my name. Other gifts included more cupcakes, a little music box, and a very large knife that I almost stabbed my eye out with while trying to hold it while playing with said music box. Thank you to my friends who suggested I put the knife away before I hurt myself. You were right.

This is the only shot of me from the night, which I found in my shirt pocket this morning:

More to come, I promise*!

*Not an actual promise.
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